

この大災害で深く心を痛め、やり場のない気持ちと不安を互いに支え合う気持ちを込めて「PRAY FOR JAPAN ハグしましょう!」というバッチを作りました。日本中どこにいても心のシェアーをハグを通して行いましょう!と言うムーブメントです。このような未曾有の大災害で、被災地の方々とともに、日本中の私たちが脅威的な衝撃を受けました。ハグは友を愛し、慈しむ行為です。ひとりではない安心感と、内在的な力を引き出すことに役立てれば幸いです。このムーブメントは静かで優しいムーブメントです。ただ、バッチをつけて友人や隣人にハグをするだけです。


***Official*** Message from the Hopi Nation about Japan, Amazing and His...

only love can move us....

This is a historic moment for our planet to hear them speak. The Hopi Elder have come forward with a message to the world in response to the tsunami and earthquake disaster in Japan. They give humanity a simple message for our future and how to overcome these difficult times.

Hopi original letter:

The Hopi are praying the people of Japan and for the people around the world as we face crisis in our world out of balance.We are all in a time of great change upon mother earth and these events have been foretold by our Elders. Through our Prophecies and our Ceremonies the sacred land of this earth is now crying. And our children are looking to Hopi to balance life for their future.Our Elders have given us guidance for how to move through these changes. Humanity is now choosing the path upon which all life will follow and we have known this time would come.As Hopi, we ask you to join us in prayer to balance mother earth and all life. We believe that, through our prayers and that if we pray with good hearts as told by our Elders, we can lessen the impact of these events.We as the Hopi join our prayers with those of the Dalai Lama along with people from around the world to send healing to Japan, the earth and all life. In this time of change, we ask all the people of the world to return to a more balanced way of life.Hopi say there is a path to follow that allows for us to move through this time of change. Walk gently upon our earth with respect for her and all life.A return to connecting our heart with the heart of the path to the future.Join your hearts to Hopi in honoring our Mother Earth by planting gardens, respecting our Sacred life giving waters and all life for future generations of our children.

"Kwak wha, Lolmani"
(Thank you, may there be good things in the future.)

Kikmongwi (Village Chief)
Lee Wayne Lomayestewa of the Village of Sungopavi
Hopi Nation










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